There are certain brands that I have purchased over the course of my life and that i will continue to use for the rest of my life. My favorite brand is Apple. The first apple product i got was in 2007 when my dad bought me an iPod nano, which has been the best mp3 player for the past decade. I wanted one for so long and finally got it, it was very mainstream everybody was getting one. Since the day i got a nano, almost every gadget I've purchased has been an Apple one. My whole family has two or more Apple devices. I have an iPad and iPhone. These two devices are Apple's most popular gadgets and highest source of revenue. The bond I have with my iPhone is unbreakable. It goes with me everywhere I go, it stores all my important information, it helps me find a way when i am lost, and most of it plays me music when I am down. There isn't i thing i dislike about the iPhone, the design stands out from most other smartphones and the features in my opinion are best on any smartphone. The iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the world, as a result of that many people would think you have an iPhone because it's mainstream but for me i look at it differently. The late Steve Jobs is arguably the greatest innovator of all-time, he's someone i look up to. Steve Jobs used to present all of Apple's products before they went on sale, i used to look forward to every presentation because Steve Jobs had a way of introducing you to a new product and giving you every reason to buy it. His presentations were captivating, he had the gift of making you feel like a gadget would change your life. Presentations have not been the same since he passed, but i still purchase Apple devices because I don't believe any other company makes better gadgets.
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