Monday, October 28, 2013

Blog Entry 9

For my research paper i will be writing about factory farm workers. Without factory farm workers we wouldn't be able to have majority of the food we eat. I will write about the job and a desrciption of the tasks they have to perform on factory farms. I will talk about how factory farm workers are taken advantage of, the working conditions, and what can be done to make sure these workers have the same rights and working conditions like all other employees in the workforce.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Blog Entry 7: The Meatrix Issues

     Industrial farming has overtaken sustainable farming over the past 50 years. It is the most popular way of farming today in America. Theses farms produce dairy eggs and meat. It is widely believed that industrial farming is more efficient and less expensive than sustainable farming but recent studies have proved otherwise. The companies that control these farms have a lot of power. They are the same companies that grow, process, and produce food. This has given them a lot  of power to the point were they cab be classified as monopolies. They are able to control the prices and influence the regulations and rules. Industrial farming has detrimental effects such as air quality problems, contamination of rivers, streams, and coastal waters with animal waste. There are certain steps that can be taken to increase sustainable farming. One way is by purchasing sustainably farmed products in supermarkets. Another way is to buy products directly from farmers' markets or stands.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog Entry8: Mid-Term Essay

     Fast foods have had a dictator like approach towards the idea of their workers forming Unions. This has lead to many disadvantages for the workers and has hand-cuffed them in a way. For decades workers at giant fast food companies have had to put up with mistreatment and poor wages. There hasn't been any changes because the companies have done everything in their power to make sure the workers don't form Unions. The fast food industry must grant the workers the right to form Unions, a right that all employees should have.
     It should be constitutional for every employee in the United States to be allowed to form or be a part of a Union. Fast food workers have been at the mercy of their employers for a long time. The fast food giants have made it clear to their employees that any attempt to form Unions will directly lead to them losing their jobs. The fear that has been instilled in them has held them back from creating unions, and most workers can't afford to take the risk because it's their only source of income. Fast food workers should be allowed to form Unions because it will be a way for them to protest their grievances.Unions will give them the opportunity to speak out on the issues they face at their jobs. Just like everyone else that's employed fast food workers also deserve the chance to protest for better conditions, better pay, better treatment, etc. The government should step in and help fast food workers have the opportunity to have Unions.
     I find it ridiculous that in twenty-first century America the bottom part of the workforce is still uncared for and taken advantage of. It's mandatory that fast food workers be given the right to form Unions by their narcissistic employers. The workers are the ones who get all the dirty work done, whilst the bosses sit back and spend the profits unconsciously. Yet they are still mistreated, vastly underpaid, and manipulated. The workers should be allowed to form their Unions. If the employers can decide in which fashion the workers will do things and the tasks they'll perform, fast food workers should be allowed to voice their discomfort on the things stopping them from working efficiently. This will only make things fair. Once the fast food giants allow the workers to have Unions, it will be a win-win situation for everybody. Workers will be more enthusiastic to work at their particular fast food restaurant knowing they have the right all other employees do.
     If given the right to form Unions, the effects will be nothing but positive. I have a hard time understanding why the fast food industry will not allow their workers to form Unions. Only positive results will come out of the decision to let the workers have Unions. It will benefit the restaurants because their workers will have a more enthusiastic approach to their job and this will lead to a huge improvement in  customer service. Which also leads to an increase in consumers thus giving the fast food giants better profits. Their workers will benefit just as much. The workers will finally feel free knowing full and well that their employers listen to them. They will be able to ask for better wages, conditions, and treatment. With a new-found approach towards their job, the workers will be able to enjoy what they do daily, rather than it been a routine thing they have to do because they are left with no other choice. Allowing fast food workers to form their unions will be beneficial for both parties concerned.
     Unfortunately there still is some for of slavery in twenty first century America. The treatment fast food workers get from their employers is the modern day version of slavery. Fast food giants have taken drastic measures to make sure workers are not given the right to form Unions. They have instilled fear and used their power to make sure workers don't have a voice on issues pertaining to wages, working conditions, conduct, etc. This has caused the workers to have a negative attitude towards their job. It should be constitutional for fast food workers to have the right form Unions like all other employees. This will lead to positive changes for the employers and workers. It's mind boggling to think a huge part of the American workforce isn't allowed to have a right all other workers do. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog Entry 6: Brand Identification

   There are certain brands that I have purchased over the course of my life and that i will continue to use for the rest of my life. My favorite brand is Apple. The first apple product i got was in 2007 when my dad bought me an iPod nano, which has been the best mp3 player for the past decade. I wanted one for so long and finally got it, it was very mainstream everybody was getting one. Since the day i got a nano, almost every gadget I've purchased has been an Apple one. My whole family has two or more Apple devices. I have an iPad and iPhone. These two devices are Apple's most popular gadgets and highest source of revenue. The bond I have with my iPhone is unbreakable. It goes with me everywhere I go, it stores all my important information, it helps me find a way when i am lost, and most of it plays me music when I am down. There isn't i thing i dislike about the iPhone, the design stands out from most other smartphones and the features in my opinion are best on any smartphone. The iPhone is the most popular smartphone in the world, as a result of that many people would think you have an iPhone because it's mainstream but for me i look at it differently. The late Steve Jobs is arguably the greatest innovator of all-time, he's someone i look up to. Steve Jobs used to present all of Apple's products before they went on sale, i used to look forward to every presentation because Steve Jobs had a way of introducing you to a new product and giving you every reason to buy it. His presentations were captivating, he had the gift of making you feel like a gadget would change your life. Presentations have not been the same since he passed, but i still purchase Apple devices because I don't believe any other company makes better gadgets.